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[Solved] Khan Academy AI Case Study Answer

Fall 2024-25 Special Topics in Business (MGT-6357-WC)

As a consultant analyzing the role of Al in education, your task is to explore how Khan Academy’s use of Al accelerates learning outcomes and drives innovation in education. Answer the following questions in a 2-3 page paper:

  1. How and why is Khan Academy so aggressive in its Al adoption? How does it affect their bottom-line revenue and growth potential?
  2. Identify what Al technologies Khan Academy uses to enhance the educational experience.
  3. How does Khan Academy’s strategy change the educational business paradigm? (Global higher education market size was estimated at USD 736.80 billion in 2023). Are there areas of that market that will be reduced or amplified based on the trend of Khan Academy being a first-mover/adopter?
  4. How do you believe Al will transform the educational experience? How can you benefit from Al’s exponential growth in the next 2-3 years?
  5. Do you support Sal Khan’s perspective and business approach?

Please conduct additional research as needed to describe your answer fully. Please cite your sources.


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