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COM10010 Academic Practices and Communication Skills Assignment Answers

Assignment Analysis on Self-Assessment Practice

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Communication plays a significant role in the way of deliverance and understanding of the information translated accurately. An individual relies heavily on the process of communication in every sector of life for the sake of the flow of information, and hence the development of robust and effective communication styles and skills are necessitated (Ganguly 2017).

Strengthening communication skills is a key part of the development and foster of interpersonal and social relationships along with the formation of leadership traits and skillful personality factors by the way of good communication.

A reflection has been propounded here that depicts my progress and plot of my own experience in the development of communication skills by the adoption of management and development tools. The reflection propounded uses the DIEP model of reflection. The DIEP model of reflecting uses four stages of viz.

  • Describe the insights and realizations,
  • Interpretation of the incident to communicate the experience,
  • Evaluation of experiences and its value in the reflect, and
  • Planning of the incident reflected (Ono and Ichii 2019).


I, being a graduate student, always had gotten compliments and feedback on my communication skills and wellness and also got to hear from people about the areas of improvement in the same. Also, at University, the assessors and teachers commented about the well-formatted and proper synchronized style of communication based on the assignments, presentations, and activities in the premise. As I was a University student now, it became an upper requirement for me to self-analyze the patterns of communication and identifying what pluses and minuses are observable in my communication style. To analyze this at a personal level, I thought that the utilization of tools such as SWOT analysis, personality tests, SALNA tests, and such other tools can help and aid the ease in understanding the personal capabilities and loopholes in the communication (Gurel and Tat 2017). All of these tests can be found in the Appendix section of this reflection.


Phadermrod (2019) states that the SWOT analysis, personality tests, and various such tools have been elemental tools of assessment as they provide an overall highlight of the individuals’ traits in a certain direction. It does not merely provide the outcomes but also lets one know the unobserved, unconscious areas of appreciation and development within oneself. I took into action the models and the results obtained served as an outline for current strengths and future progressive areas in my style and skill of communication. The SWOT analysis provided the strengthened cues in my communication, weaknesses, and loopholes towards the effectiveness of the communication, and also chalked out the areas of improvement and adaptation. Likewise, I was highly content with the results of self-personality assessment tests as it featured even the blind spots of mine in communication and strengths as a personality trait and also the influence of behavioral and personality traits on communication.


The SWOT analysis tool of self-assessment practice justified the identification and recognition of my communication strengths that I currently possess integrated with the leadership traits. It assisted me to find and analyze the inculcation of empathetic and harmonious attributes in my communication style that creates most of the positivity at the auditor party. Also, the analysis showed the feature of gratitude and friendliness along with a keen focus on the subject of communication that has eventually strengthened my drive towards effective verbal and written communication (Rusell 2020) and relationship management along with robust problem-solving capabilities.

Moreover, the analysis also aids me to find out the opportunistic and improvement areas in communication that could create a higher sense of strength in the same.


The ultimately recommended plan post the analysis and evaluation of my communication strengths have led to planning on the further course of action in a higher development of communication. As the SWOT analysis suggests that meeting around new people could intensify the communication by the removal of barriers, I plan to opt for a master’s degree in my stream and aim to strengthen the weak public speaking skills in myself with the utilization of leadership skills in integration.

I plan to work more on my weaknesses in communication to turn them into strengths by the use of opportunistic areas with the utility of 7Cs of communication viz. clarity, conciseness, correctness, concreteness, coherence, completeness, and contextual factors (Lopez 2020).


Communication becomes an elemental part of the overall presentation as well as the future development of individuals and also serves as an important part of education. Involving different phases such as listening, reading, writing, and speaking; communication skills represent a great deal in the judgment of an individual’s personality and traits. Hence, development and overall continuous reformation and self-analysis of communication skills must be implemented to seek out the areas of work and the talents in the same direction.


Ganguly, S. 2017. Action research to improve the communication skills of undergraduate students. IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 1(3), pp. 62-71.

Gurel, E., and Tat, M. 2017. SWOT analysis: A theoretical review. Journal of International Social Research, 10(51).

Lopez, M., and Campbell, J. 2020. Developing a communication curriculum for primary and consulting services. Medical Education Online, 25(1), pp. 1-5.

Ono, A., and Ichii, R. 2019. Business students’ reflection on reflective writing assessments. Journal of International Education in Business, 12( 2), pp. 247-260.

Phadermrod, B., Crowder, R. M., and Wills, G. B. (2019). Importance-performance analysis based SWOT analysis. International Journal of Information Management, vol. 44, pp. 194-203.

Rusell, E., Mossop, L., Oxtoby, C., and Forbes, E. 2020. Frequency and types of communication errors in practice. BSAVA Congress Proceedings, p. 378. BSAVA Library.

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