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Strategic Supply Chain Management Assignment Help


Your task is to investigate the organization’s supply chain and to assess whether it is as up-to-date as it could be according to contemporary literature about supply chain management.

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Identify a local organization involved with the supply, distribution, or sale of physical products or services. This may be an organization you work with or one with which you are familiar.  The organization might be a retail store, a wholesaler, a manufacturer, or any other type of company with product or service being sold locally or internationally.

Write a report which includes the following:

  • Brief description of the organization and an overview of the supply chain systems involved in its operation (so that a reader understands the context of your report).
  • Describe and analyze any three of the following areas of supply chain management in the organization:
    • Supply chain competitive strategy
    • Supply chain agility, flexibility and responsiveness
    • Synchronization of the supply chain
    • Supply chain risk management
    • Supply chain organization and management, including the company supply chain organizational structure.
    • Global supply chain management in the company (if the company does not operate globally, assess the potential for it to do so, and discuss the key issues).


  • Provide your own opinion on how the organization’s supply chain is performing based on your analysis of key supply chain performance factors.   Identify any critical issues and problems and make recommendations to help improve the organization’s supply chain management.

It is important to support your argument with appropriate references throughout the report.


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