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Mental Health Halfway House writing help

You are the Director of Mental Health Halfway House which deals drug addicts with brain disorders that have found their way into the criminal justice system. The patients in this program were diverted from incarceration into prison because a clear link was established between the drug offenses they committed and their mental illness. Mental illness is often a reason for the individual to turn to substance abuse. The majority of your inmate/patient population requires medication to maintain a semblance of social function and to be allowed to lea... More


Physical punishment by parents including smacking should not be permitted because it is not an effective form of correction for children? In the past, many parents or guardians of children beat their children for misbehavior, sometimes beating them with belts, canes, sticks and many other articles. They use this to discipline the child and make them well mannered and well behaved. Parents and guardians of children are always looking to improve their children, but by virtue of doing this, they often harm their loved ones. Often they harm the chi... More