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Category : Operational Management

BSB51915 Operational Management Assignment Task 1,2,3,4,5

Details of Subject Qualification BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management Subject Name Operational Management Type : Simulation Exercises and Case Studies Assessment Weighting 60% Weeks 1,2,3,4,5 BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan   Questions?  Week 1 and week 2 : BSBMGT517 -Task 1:Develop operational plan Week3  : BSBMGT517 Operational Management -Task 2: Case Study - House Angels  Week4: BSBMGT517  Task 3 and Task4 -Analytical case, Monitor and review performance of business operation Week5: Operat... More

BSBMGT517 Operational Management, Assessment Week 5

Week 5 Task 5: Search the Internet for WHS ACT 2011 and explain “what is a notifiable to ComCare under the new WHS Act 2011”? (200 words, 5 marks) Task 6: Visit the WorkCover NSW website at and list 10 codes of practice applicable for Work Health and Safety in New South Wales. Specify which ones are applicable for retail supermarket stores such as Coles and Woolworths? Explain. ( 5 marks)   Explain which of the WHS codes applicable for a supermarket chain. More

BSBMGT517 Analytical case, Monitor and review performance of business operation

Week 4 Task 3: Monitor and review performance of business operation ( 10 marks) You are an operations manager of a small manufacturing enterprise. Your owner intends to increase the production capacity through the addition of new equipment. Two vendors have presented proposals. The fixed costs for proposal A are $50,000, and for proposal B, $70,000. The variable cost for A is $12.00, and for B, $10.00. The revenue generated by each unit is $20.00. a) What is the break-even point in units and dollars for proposal A? b) What is the bre... More

BSBMGT517 Operational Management -Task 2: Case Study – House Angels

Week 3 Task 2: Case Study - House Angels ( 15 marks) House Angels is a domestic cleaning agency run by 45 year old Sarah Diaz. She is in her fourth month of trading and operates from her home office in Brighton. Sarah has worked in a similar business for eight years and when that business closed down and the owner moved interstate, she decided to set up her own agency. The previous business was run from offices in Camberwell and employed two full-time and one part-time staffs. At present Sarah has thirteen cleaners on her books and twe... More

BSBMGT517 -Task 1:Develop operational plan

Week 1 and Week 2 Task 1:Develop operational plan (15 marks) Your academic institute (use imaginary institute or ACA) has decided on a recruitment drive to hire 5 "Campus Managers" for the five campuses in five States. As a HR manager, you job is to choose the right individuals for this position. Based on the sample operational plan information and further web research, create an operational plan for this recruitment drive. Follow the steps as structured. Sample Operational Plan to review as a reference: More