135+ Marketing Dissertation Topics 2024 for Students

Are you pursuing an MBA degree course? Then, you must be under the huge pressure of the Marketing Dissertation Paper assignments. In this blog, we will discuss certain good Marketing dissertation topics and ideas for your business school and university assignments.

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Marketing Dissertation Topics

How to Write a Good Marketing Dissertation Paper?

Dissertation writing is a quite challenging as well enriching task. It exposes your own writing and demonstrates skills in your whole academic career. It helps you show your critical and analytical writing skills.

Writing a Marketing Dissertation Paper?

Abstract:  The abstract part of a marketing dissertation is a condensed version of the entire writing. This provides your readers with a brief overview of the whole research. If you write a very good dissertation abstract, your readers will be more interested in reading the whole research paper. This part includes the following:

  • Probe statement or research goal
  • Conclusion
  • Methodology

The introductory part: This part really makes the very first impression on your readers. This par gives your readers a very clear idea of the background information on the given topic. It also outlines the aims and objectives of the dissertation paper. It includes the following:

  • Research purpose
  • Research goal
  • Hypothesis

Conclusion: This is the terminal part of your paper and your whole marketing dissertation will be summarized here along with the major findings of the research paper and also the objectives met.

Bibliography: It gives all the references that have been seeded by you in your dissertation paper. All of these are to be stated in an orderly manner in this section of your marketing dissertation paper.

Appendices: In this section, you need to use figures, tables, graphs, interviews, statistical findings and interviews covered in your dissertation.

You can get an idea of this from the best online Marketing dissertation examples.

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Marketing Dissertation Topics

  1. How are the sales and marketing functions of any company directly related?
  2. Explain the 4P’s of marketing
  3. Explain SWOT analysis
  4. Explain PESTEL analysis
  5. How to do the best marketing positing of a newly launched product or service
  6. What is international marketing?
  7. What is local marketing?
  8. Explain the concept of global marketing

How to Select Your Marketing Dissertation Topic

  1. Always select a marketing dissertation topic that really interests you
  2. Avoid very common topics
  3. Follow a particular niche in marketing
  4. Select a topic in which you can find a lot to write
  5. Please choose a topic where you can get a lot of data and information from reliable stories about it
  6. Try to choose more recent and updated marketing research dissertation topics
  7. Give a viewpoint of the pest industrial scenario while choosing the topic
  8. Keep the modern marketing techniques while choosing the topic
  9. Select topics on both national as well international marketing
  10. Select the most competitive topics

Marketing Dissertation Topics in 2024

  1. What is the effect of Artificial Intelligence on Personalized Marketing?
  2. Digital Marketing vs data privacy
  3. How can you be a good marketing infected in the ethical field
  4. Sustainable marketing technology in today’s digital
  5. Explain the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in digital or online marketing
  6. Explain consumer behavior in marketing
  7. How to improve user experience in the field of Augmented Reality (AR)
  8. The marketing modes of Cross-Channel Attribution
  9. Explain the reasons for the success of most of the e-commerce websites
  10. What are the best strategies for online niche marketing?

Branding Dissertation Topics

  1. How to choose your own brand
  2. How to create your own brand identity
  3. Best ways to choose a brand logo
  4. What are the best strategies to build the best brand loyalty among your target customers?
  5. What are the core competencies of your brand?
  6. How to make your own brand very much unique and stand out from the other bands offering the same product or service in the market
  7. How can proper banding help your organization be safe in tremendous market competition?
  8. How to do the best marketing of your newly launched brand in inland as well overseas market
  9. Branding in this digital age
  10. How to choose the best brand ambassador for your brand

Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics

  1. What are the best ways of online marketing in this digital era?
  2. Importance of official websites in digital marketing
  3. Significance of website content in today’s age of digital marketing
  4. In today’s world, digital marketing is the fastest as well as most cost-effective way of marketing- justify
  5. Role of social network in digital marketing
  6. How to communicate with future customers via digital marketing
  7. Best strategies to achieve success in digital marketing
  8. Role of latest technologies and IT (Information Technology) in the field of digital or online marketing
  9. How to keep official websites safe from duplicity in the digital marketing field
  10. Hacking in the Digital Marketing Age

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MBA Marketing Dissertation Topics

  1. Explain the best strategies in the field of Human Resource Marketing (HRM)
  2. What is employee appraisal and how to implement it successfully?
  3. How to recruit the best staff
  4. Explain Moselle’s hierarchy of needs
  5. How to conduct the best market survey
  6. How to know the real needs and choices of your target customers
  7. Explain market segmentation
  8. What is niche marketing?
  9. What is the market postponing?
  10. Explain the role of logistics in the field of corporate marketing management

Interesting Marketing Dissertation Topics

  1. What are the best marketing modes?
  2. Explain the role of market intermediaries in the field of marketing management.
  3. What are the most popularly applied market forecasting methods?
  4. How to maximize the chances of profits and minimize the chances of losses in marketing
  5. What are the main differences in mass marketing styles to promote products or services?
  6. Explain various marketing methods in different types of business sectors like service, FMCG, media, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, etc.
  7. Discuss the role of online or digital marketing in the present era of digitization.
  8. Differentiate between licensing and franchising.
  9. Why KFC franchises are so successful all over the globe
  10. Discuss the importance of service points or product locations to boost the sales rate.

Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics

  1. Why is it very important for all the companies offering products or services to create a verified official website of their own in today’s digital era?
  2. How to keep your company website safe from ethical hacking
  3. How to market successfully your offered product and services via social media marketing
  4. Role of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. in social media marketing
  5. How to attract more visitors to your official website from all across the world
  6. How to increase liker and subscribers on your official profiles on Facebook
  7. How to handle your official Twitter account
  8. How to make the best content for your official website and all other social media platforms
  9. How to create a very much unique content for your website
  10. How to make the right use of the keywords for the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process of your website

Relationship Marketing Dissertation Topics

  1. Digital type of relationship marketing I Covid 19 pandemic age
  2. What is the importance of customization and personalization in relationship marketing?
  3. How to make the best customer loyalty among the customers all over the world
  4. What are the features of Tesco’s loyalty card scheme in the present age of immense market competition?
  5. Can switching costs make barriers to the retention of customers in the airline industry?
  6. Explain the case study of Amazon.com, where they charge a premium charge for its range of products and services.
  7. How to attract customers in the long run by introducing various expectations and motivations for creating customer loyalty
  8. Explain the case of the Café Nero’s app with reference to creating customer loyalty.
  9. How can you use relationship marketing to attract new customers via various social media platforms?
  10. How can you really create good customer loyalty by improving the quality of your offered products and services?

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Fashion Marketing Dissertation Topics

  1. What are the most effective ways to encourage foreign business in various nations?
  2. What was the background and origin of the fashion industry marketing?
  3. What are the latest fashion trends post-COVID-19 pandemic?
  4. Give a critical analysis of kids’ fashion in the present global fashion industry
  5. Synthetic vs organ clothing trends in today’s fashion industry
  6. How to make the most suitable office attire by the global fashion industry people
  7. From where did the waistcoats come originally?
  8. Are social media marketing really a drawback to the new fashion brands?
  9. What are the influences of fashion on our environment?
  10. How can the fashion industry really abide by the anti-animal cruelty laws?

Sports Marketing Dissertation Topics

  1. The essence of various athletes’ endorsements in our sports industry
  2. What is the impact of social media marketing on the sports industry?
  3. What is the role of the women athletes in the sports goods advertising campaign?
  4. Explain the proper marketing modes of the scuba diving sports kit.
  5. How to use Twitter’s official account to market sports goods
  6. How to create the best sports marketing brand logo
  7. Role of the super in advertising sports goods in the USA
  8. Can sports be one of the proper marketing of sports products for athletes as well as sports enthusiasts on the national level?
  9. What is the relationship between entertainment and sports marketing?
  10. How the SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) can support sports goods marketing

Ethics in Marketing Dissertation Topics

  1. Explain CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
  2. How to abide by business ethics in the field of marketing management
  3. Laws to be abided by the factories
  4. Ethical law to be abided by the oil drilling ships
  5. How to abide by various business and ethical laws in foreign countries in international marketing
  6. What are the penalties for breaking business laws both inland as well overseas

Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics

  1. How to retain customers in the fast food industry
  2. How to get a customer’s trust in an e-commerce business
  3. A detailed study of the causes of post-purchase regret among customers
  4. How to create brand loyalty to sell kids’ products
  5. Explain consumer culture in the field of marketing management

International Marketing Dissertation Topics

  1. How to build a goods business firm in any foreign land
  2. How to abide by the business laws in a foreign country
  3. Role of forex in international marketing
  4. How to do good market segmentation in overseas marketing
  5. How to target customers in global marketing

Direct Marketing Dissertation Topics

  1. How to engage customers in long-term services
  2. How does the Caffe Nero app really use customer intelligence
  3. How to communicate well with your target consumers
  4. How to sell and mark leisure goods products

Mobile Marketing Dissertation Topics

  1. How to make the best marketing plan for stay most popular electrical product -mobile
  2. How smartphones have adversely inflated today’s society
  3. How to thrive in the immensely competitive market of mobile phones
  4. How to develop outstanding features of the newly launched Android smartphone

B2B Marketing Dissertation Topics

  1. How to alter marketing management
  2. How to make an ideal organization
  3. How to create a good data burst
  4. Difference between new users and conventional customs
  5. How to build the best B2B sales channel

Final Word

Thus, you can see that writing a business dissertation takes work. You always need the best online Marketing Dissertation Writing Help Service from a renowned provider. The casestudyhelp.com is the best choice for you in this regard.

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Author Bio:

Lyana Jones


Hi, I am Lyana Jones, the author of this blog. I am a well-experienced academic writer. We’ll help make your writing shine.

Please contact us anytime, tell us about your topic, and receive a 100% plagiarism-free paper with impeccable grammar and formatting.

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