TEEL is an acronym for “Topic Sentence, Explanation, Evidence and Link.” It is a type of writing technique that is used to write a paragraph in an essay. It gives a structure to the paragraph which can help to form the essay and improve its quality.
How To Utilize TEEL?
TEEL is Expanded as Below:
T- Topic Sentence
E- Explanation
E- Evidence
L- Link
Each of the letters in the acronym “TEEL” signifies nature of sentences which are present in the paragraph. The thought flow in the essay paragraph should be as the main as first introduced in the topic where the paragraphs are to b...
Writing tips
How to Write A Conclusion For My Nursing Essay Assignment?
At the very outset, let's begin by understanding the essay terms. You need to decide whether your essay is going to be analytical or reflective. The essay terms indicate whether you want to write an essay by comparing and contrasting various topics. Is the essay is a critical analysis of a topic that you been learning in the past few months or years? If you get hold of the essay terms, you are better placed to write that essay.
How to Write a Nursing Essay?
If you have to write a nursing essay, you need to understand a few fundamental concepts of good nursing. You must explain what you t...