What Is The Fastest Way To Cover The Syllabus? Step By Step Guide
How You Can Define Syllabus?
The syllabus is the summary of the Course of Study that is required for your examination or paper setting. This may be treated as a written work that takes care of your formally and systematically Study of a particular subject.
Why Syllabus is Important?
The syllabus collects all the vital information about your course of study in one place. In reply to your quarries about class schedules, the target date of exam or related to the duration of exam hours, your faculty professor may state that it is covered in the syllabus. On checking your syllabus, you can find the extent of completion of subjects and in how many days it requires to complete in time. Our assignment help solution experts may advise the student how to complete syllabus by application often vital steps as described below.
What is the Role of the Syllabus?
Syllabus creates expectations for the excellent quality of work that is desired from the students and present them the ways and means for their exam preparation. This also comprises a course time table considering the syllabus and guides students to meet their expectations by fetching high marks on each subject.
How to Cover Syllabus Step by Step in a Faster Way?
You should select a smaller quantity of subjects covered in syllabus daily in place of a large chunk of the syllabus. It will not serve your purpose if you study in hurry all the chapters at a time that you have not yet covered. In that case, you will be able only a small portion of it for the exam. In addition to the above, it is good for you to note down the weightage of the subjects so as you may plan your preparations accordingly. The study by following previous year question papers helps in obtaining well acquainted with the pattern of the examination.
Our casestudyhelp.com, one of the reputed essay writing and dissertation help service provider suggests the following 10 elements you can cover your syllabus quickly:
- Be organized with your syllabus
- Make a revision time table
- Follow the smarter way of Study
- Past exam questions should be collected and Practiced regularly
- You have to learn more on the subject that you know less
- Practice answering the mock question paper
- Aware of the layout of the question paper
Eat, drink in timely and exercise.
Do you need help to cover your syllabus with your academic duration? Experience the all academic help at one place. visit – Casestudyhelp.com
10 Steps to Study to be Followed Before Exams
The system of Study for 12 to 14 hours per day is extremely unhealthy, but we practice it almost all day prior to the exam to complete our syllabus. Such procedure reduces the study hour shorter but very effective.
Suggested below few steps for your consideration that can make your study sessions remarkably effective and help your concentrate in your Study effectively:
1. Practice to Study in a small portion of syllabus daily instead of Study a huge amount. If you try to study with hurry all together, you will memorize a very small portion.
2. It is advised to study for the optimal period of 2 hours with the outbreak. This 2 hours can be broken down into 25 minutes slots for in-depth Study. You may take a 5-minute intermediate break in between.
3. While taking a break, you must keep your mind free from thoughts related to exam subjects. You can enjoy the brake time to discuss the syllabus with colleagues telephonically or plan your next round of reading which will relax your mind. Without taking a break, your next round of studying shall not be effective.
4. In a syllabus, study material can be subdivided into core and an elaborative class of material. Your core material comprises of important theories, theorems, mathematical calculation, sketches and diagrams and graphical presentation. Your, elaborative material shall comprise:
- examples,
- illustrations and
- quotes
It is found that 80 per cent of the exam questions asked are mostly sourced from the core subject. So, if you need to perform better, concentrate with core subject material of the various topics of your syllabus.
5. Every day you should review the study list daily and should count backlog if any that needs to make up. The subjects that you have to learn are of three categories that comprise:
- Biology,
- History and
- Geography, that to be studied intensively
Subjects which are Problem-solving like Mathematics and Physics.
6. Reading the chapters and highlighting important portions help a lot. You should read the important points and write them down afterwards.
7. It is important to take notes for practical completion of the syllabus during final hours. Two scientific methods of taking notes are -SQ5R and Cornell Notes.
The SQ5R type is applied for short Survey, Question related, Reading, Recording, Recitation, Review etc. Survey: Quickly review the textbook and mark up important parts. It should hardly take more than 7-10 minutes.
Question: Headings and subheadings of the text used as a treat as questions that are generally asked in the. Note down possible questions at the side of the text that are important.
Three R’s: Reading, Record and Reflect are the three R’s to be practised. Important titles to be put in bullets form for better visual effect.
Review: Question yourself on the points you have noted and observe if you are able to answer them correctly.
Reflect: The above steps should be repeated and reflected in the topic you learned.
8. Prepare a couple of charts and paste on your wall and write the critical dates, formulae, and other important information that are not easy to learn.
By looking on the wall in front of your eyes always will help you learn them more quickly than trying to mug them. Create flashcards for the difficult bits make you carry them everywhere.
9. While studying untouched and fresh chapters, you need to consider the above three R’s as very important. All types of new information you collect needs to be captured, reviewed and applied within 24 hours. On failure, you lose 80 per cent of the knowledge learned by you.
10. It is found that most of the students stay up late at night to prepare for the exam. You follow that you should remember that the sleep should be sound one and proper that will improve the short-term memory that you studied to long-term memory that you can recall in the exam hall.
If you can practice the above ten vital steps effectively for longer periods, will enable you to get finish your syllabus within the exam schedule.
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